

TIP: Use EditorConfig but download it only when needed

Starting a code debugging or development session requires the use of the .editorconfig file but this risks increasing the number of files in the root of your project especially when you want to present your project on GitHub and avoid confusing users with a long list of dotfiles. Our advice is to download it when needed, creating a specific target in your Makefile.



Add the following line into .gitignore file


Download .editorconfig file

curl -so .editorconfig https://editorconfig.javanile.org/lib/php


Add the followig targets to your Makefile

## Start development or debugging session
dev: init

## Prepare repository files and directories
init: editorconfig

## Download `.editorconfig` file
    curl -so .editorconfig https://editorconfig.javanile.org/lib/php

Good to know

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